Who Stole the Truth? – Opening Segment

There are none in our society more vulnerable than our children. Yet there are entire industries devoted to confusing them and sexualizing them—and it has flooded into our educational system. You’ll hear firsthand from Elena Barbera, an American mom, who decided to expose it by making the new documentary, “American Groomer: The Kids Are Not […]

A Time to Remember – Opening Segment

To hear many of our elites tell the story, America is merely a colonialist, racist, oppressive product of unenlightened European men. Of course, this dishonors the service of all those who have given their lives to defend this country. We look together at the question: “Is America still worth fighting for?” — on this week’s […]

Discerning Good and Evil – Opening Segment

A key insight of J. Gresham Machen in his landmark book Christianity and Liberalism was that theological liberalism wasn’t just a variety of Christianity—it was a different religion altogether. We look at this prophetic book published a century ago and how it sheds light on the battles that the Christian church faces here in 2024 […]

Rearing Godly Children – Opening Segment

According to Lifeway Research, over 70 percent of young people who attended church during high school leave the church during college. At the same time, transgenderism, depression, mental illness, and suicide are skyrocketing. We examine one of the primary drivers of this ideological campaign–America’s godless public school system–in this sneak peek of our new special, […]

Reaching the World for Christ – Opening Segment

Coral Ridge Ministries turns 50 this year, and we were recently honored with the Milestone Award from the National Religious Broadcasters. Though we have a long history behind us, we’re excited about the future God is opening up for this ministry. Don’t miss our update — on this week’s Truths That Transform.

My Lord and My God – Opening Segment

The resurrection of Jesus is the central doctrine of the Christian faith. But is it true? Discover what scholars and experts who have deeply investigated the issue have to say. Don’t miss the overwhelming proof for Jesus’ resurrection — on this week’s Truths That Transform.

Counterfeits – Opening Segment

Only Jesus was promised to us, in great detail, hundreds—even thousands—of years ahead of time. We look at the proof for Jesus’s life and identity as God’s Son — on this week’s Truths That Transform.