Training Your Children – Rob’s Commentary
God gives Christian parents the command to educate their children. And, first and foremost, that means instilling them with the truth of God’s Word. He doesn’t do this because he’s a taskmaster, it’s because he loves us. But it’s difficult to teach our children about God, if we don’t have a relationship with Him.
Training Your Children – Opening Segment
Though there are many faithful Christians working in our public schools to be salt and light, schools are increasingly becoming indoctrination centers for radical left ideology. You’ll discover how and why that’s happening as we look at one particular hot-button issue leading children away from truth and into madness — on this episode of Truths […]
Training Your Children
We take a look at how indoctrination has replaced education in public schools. Then, Dr. Kennedy tells the story of Christian children in the Byzantine Empire who were abducted and indoctrinated. They were called the Janissaries, and their example warns us today on this episode of Truths That Transform.