Absolute Truth – Opening Segment

Today, universities like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale have become infamous as hotbeds of radical atheism and antisemitism. But these schools were outwardly Christian for the first centuries of their existence. We look at the vital connection between Christianity and education — on this week’s Truths That Transform.

Absolute Truth – Rob’s Commentary

Atheists like to portray Christians as being anti-intellectual, driven by flowery feelings rather than facts and logic. Unfortunately, that has indeed been the case for all too many Christians over the past century or two. But if we are to truly obey Jesus—and to truly love Him—we are to engage our minds.

Absolute Truth

There was a time when people used to argue about what was true. Now they doubt whether anything is true at all. Many even believe that you have to reject God to find truth. But the Bible tells us the exact opposite is true. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and it’s […]